A No Show is defined as:

  • Any time travel has occurred to pick up a passenger that does not ride.

  • There has been no advance call by the customer or customer’s representative to cancel the scheduled trip.

  • Trip is not canceled three hours prior to scheduled pick up time.

  • Any time a driver waits 3 minutes beyond the scheduled pick up time and the passenger is not present or ready to leave.

  • When a passenger cancels trip once you have arrived at the pick-up location.

Non-canceled rides will be declared a No Show.  If your first pick-up for the day is a No Show, the remaining trips for the day will be canceled unless scheduling has been notified.

If services need to be cancelled for any reason, you must notify our office at least three (3) hours prior to the scheduled pick up time. If we are not notified, we will consider the trip a “no show”. If a person has three (3) or more “no shows” within a three month period, we will suspend services for the next three (3) months. Riders may request an appeal immediately after receiving suspension notification. All appeals must be in writing and sent to the Administrator of Transportation, WCTS, 644 19th Street West, Jasper, AL  35501.